Asian gay movies 2020

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Posted by Mediacorp Channel 5 on Wednesday, February 5, 2020Īdapted from Goh Boon Teck’s fantastic 1994 play of the same name, which in turn is based on the tumultuous life of his mother Madam Oon Ah Chiam, Titoudao follows the journey of Ah Chiam (played with boatloads of effervescent charm by Koe Yeet), a lowly Hokkien street performer who had to overcome personal and professional hurdles to become a wayang (Chinese street opera) icon. How did a poor kampong girl overcome poverty, abandonment, and more to become one of Singapore’s biggest wayang celebrities? ✨Catch #Titoudao: Inspired by the True Story of a Wayang Star for free on meWATCH from Tue, 18 Feb! #madeforyou

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Life can be unfair, but she'll never give up.

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Titoudao: Inspired by the True Story of a Wayang Star – Trailer

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